Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Pre-K, Day 2

Margot's second day in the Shining Star classroom went even better than the first (if you can imagine). When I took her to class this morning, she momentarily looked at me in desperation as she hung her coat, but two girls in the class came right over to greet her. One was Bella (not "Vella" as Margot told me the night before).

I missed the other girl's name, but she promptly informed me, "I'm Margot's new friend, and I am a princess. I am going to show Margot all about how to be to princess." No hello, no my-name-is, just straight up. Margot, pleased to have the attention of these two older girls, said "Bye Mommy" and dove into the pile of dress-up clothes with the girls.

And so it goes.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Can't wait to see her all grown up! Hope you all are doing well.

All our love,

Mike and Bridget Cunningham

Mahlers On Safari said...

Oh shit! Welcome to the princess/barbie years. It is hell. And I think it lasts a good long while...

BTW... when are you coming to Tanzania. There is another princess-lover waiting to play with Margot.