Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Arts Night

We just returned from Arts Night, 2011. This event is a Big Deal to the kids at Margot's school, including Margot. She's been excited for weeks. Margot's school is an arts integration school, which means that all subjects are also intertwined with the arts. They work closely with the Kennedy Center. I saw some seriously amazing artwork tonight at the gallery show - especially some 3rd grade architectural drawings (integrating math and history [all of historic DC buildings] - see how that works?)

We began with a quick photo while Margot was clean and all dolled-up.

Then Margot sang three songs on stage with the other kindergarteners. Here's one.

Then Margot (sans sweater) took me to see her masterpiece at the gallery show.

And finally she burned off all her wiggles by running around with her pals, eating pizza, and doing the monkey bars. The rain held off - it was a great night!

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